Friday, November 16, 2012

I hope this is not a too self-absorbed statement, but

Being showered with love by people all around me is a nice feeling, I guess. :)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Somewhere in time

Shedding tears for you, I miss you.

This has been the theme of my life -- important people leaving, then me having to toughen up my heart so as not to feel sorry for myself or feel a dent inside. When I was a kid I had once wondered if you care for me or love me but now I know you do. Although you seldom show me affection (because you might not be that type of person. We are similar that way). Although during my childhood you were far, far away for a longer time than you were here. Although there are some very basic father-daughter things that I'll probably never be able to experience.

I seldom cried about you when I was a kid, but now, there's a moment of longing that envelops me each time I think about you. I cry each time l wonder where you are, how you've been, if our lack of adequate bonding for the time being affects you as much as I hope it does.

Such is the theme of my life -- quite sad if you ask me. If there's any consolation, well there are hundreds of thousands of my fellowmen who may be experiencing something quite similar to something brewing here inside for a long, long time -- even my entire lifetime, maybe.

I wonder how it will be somewhere in time, in a far, far place filled with happiness and simplicity.

There need not be flashy cars, big houses nor grand entrances. Enjoy the simple pleasures of life. It's what you taught me.

We can be happy together. We can be enough for one another.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

cool word # 1

gamut |ˈgamət|
noun (the gamut)
1 the complete range or scope of something: the whole gamut of human emotion.
2 Music a complete scale of musical notes; the compass or range of a voice or instrument.
historical a scale consisting of seven overlapping hexachords, containing all the recognized notes used in medieval music, covering almost three octaves from bass G to treble E.
historical the lowest note in this scale.
run the gamut experience, display, or perform the complete range of something: wines that run the gamut from dry to sweet.
ORIGIN late Middle English: from medieval Latin gamma ut, originally the name of the lowest note in the medieval scale (bass G an octave and a half below middle C), then applied to the whole range of notes used in medieval music. The Greek letter Γ (gamma) was used for bass G, with ut indicating that it was the first note in the lowest of the hexachords or six-note scales (see solmization) .

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

So many things messing up my mind right now. @___@

Catching my breath.