Hi blog. Sorry that I've forsaken you.
Whenever a new friend or mere acquaintance mentions that he/she reads my blog, there's always a momentary sense of discomfort introduced into the equation, probably brought by self-consciousness or mere embarrassment from the enormity of sap that manages to make its way here. For a while I didn't want to add fuel to the fire (rawr as if a gazillion people reads your blog anyway), so I decided to keep safe from that possibility and skip recording events here altogether (no matter how vague I craft my words in the first place).
But today someone mentioned this virtual space during a conversation again, and this someone -- who happens to be none other than my crush -- has read certain posts exactly all about him. I know what you're thinking. Coolness, right? You know, the sarcastic type. If it were unrequited "like" I would have probably put a water gun to my head already and/or locked myself in a room (too bad I can't even have alone time these days), but thank goodness that it's just one of those let's-laugh-about-it-together moments.
Since this crush already reads this blog anyway and I have yet to resurrect this blog for the nth by depositing a substantial story during my 2nd year life, I'll probably leave a tidbit today.
a very crappy poem that summarizes my feelings in the most vague way i can manage
much ado about the future and everything
leaves you with nothing
if at all you succeed
in confession, the love you breed,
you skip stones, deliver hope
but leave out the bread and butter of good times in
conversation, smiles, cheer and company
i love
the gift,
the present.
These days it's my current take on an exciting life.
More to come soon (probably), toodles!