Saturday, December 25, 2010

I’m a big fan of Valerie Chua. Aside from drawing pretty stuff (mostly women) and bringing them to life with her amazing painting skills, she also sings during her spare time. Needless to say, I was ecstatic when this talented lady answered my question a few days ago. Apparently, she does not only captivate people with her talents, she also inspires. :)


Christmas is all about giving, celebrating Christ’s birth and also about spreading the love. Today, I’d like to thank people who have made me smile with their random quirks and display of affection (both filial and platonic). I realized I have so much to be thankful for, if I’ll only lose sight of the superficial and really concentrate on what really matters.

In an effort to succintly record my thoughts this Christmas, I’ve come up with a simple list.


- Most people value those who couldn’t care less about them, yet take those who really love them for granted.
- How people obsess over high-tech gadgets and other flashy gifts this Christmas, when all they really need is a hug.
- How we keep track of the remaining number of days until Christmas, when really, we could start embodying the essence of Christmas at any time of the year
- How some people could hate Grinch without realizing they’re quite like Grinch themselves (my ninongs and ninangs)

Haha, kidding! Merry Christmas everyone :)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Awww. I chanced upon the formspring of my old classmate Cza (@riotcontrol) a few days ago and took the opportunity to ask her this question. I’ve been meaning to for quite some time because It’s as if a whole new revolution within her has taken place (and it shows!). :)

Needless to say, I’m very happy for her! I was quite inspired, and I think I wanna do the same for my life.

Monday, December 20, 2010

standstill hourglass


as you clasped my hand in
silence, a gush of infinity rushed through my
being, from the vein in my ring finger to the
crannies in my heart.
i was glad to have found you


as fortune paved way for our second
encounter, the rush felt foreign, like a
wooden wonder corrupted by
age and ache.
but even corrugated shear brings
forth edgy thrills,
and i was glad to have found you


as i received a red bow out of
nowhere, rouge emerged from pallor, successfully
evading the thorns in my
stream of consciousness.


as we set aside a portion of twenty-four to enter
the secret world of daydreams, you
encapsulated everything i needed
and wanted
and secretly wished for,
in a way i never thought was possible.


as blinding light crashed through my door
(drizzle, flicker)
the twinge of an epiphany caught me.


as the waves reclaimed that which strayed
too far from the sea,
and I enveloped myself in painful reverie, I
realized you and I could
never be.
but i was glad to have found you


--2:55 PM

Friday, December 17, 2010


Wow, I never knew I could do so much in one day just by waking up earlier than the usual.
- attended two Christmas parties
- finished Of Mice and Men
- watched Love Actually and HP7
- and now off to my Dad's friend's party (or not. I'm lazy)

Errr. I know I've not been posting anything here for the past few days. I don't know if that's a bad or a good thing.

Friday, December 10, 2010

clearing skies

I forgot to ask who wrote gowritesilly as his/her codename for the Tau Kris Kringle. If you are the person I'm looking for, drop me a message or something. Haha.

My preconceived notion of happy was shattered in light of the recent events that made my week (or even possibly, my year). While the past few weeks have been as crazy as hell, a few moments reminded me of what it was like to smile and give room for the simple joys of life.

In one perspective, Pisay is just like one of those torture chambers we see in gory movies. We, as students, run for our lives as we struggle in moving from one requirement to another. Add teenage drama to the academic stress and that leaves us not knowing if we can still get out alive. It's literally a race to survival-- we all have those moments when all we can think of is mustering enough strength to last until the next day.

Most students have seriously thought of giving point at one point or another. But really, what keeps our sanity intact is a whole lot stronger than any of those monstrous figures (we call requirements). Many people will probably disagree to this (because it's true that distractions, fatigue and whatnot sometimes get the better of us), but we are infinitely many times stronger than we think we are.

So, yeah. Here's to all my hardworking fellows in Pisay. We survived the last three quarters (some better than the others), and I think we all really deserve this break.

Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 6, 2010

i just realized

The object of my fleeting fancy was loathsome, terrible, and most certainly childish. Now that I think about it again, I feel like covering my entire face, shaking my head and thinking it was all a dream. My taste is weird and I seriously need to get a grip.

On another note (regarding an entirely different person), I want to do one last thing before I graduate. One thing I'll most probably regret if I don't. I want to make amends and enlist the help of my friends in my biggest (and in effect, most dangerous) personal experiment yet. I wanna see how things will turn out.

Cricket, hell no.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

early-morning opm rave

If you are my friend, you probably know that I dig OPM songs from the 80s and 90s and tend to shy away from innuendo in most pop songs today. And it's not just about the sexual message bombing the hell out of my ears every time I turn on the radio. Don't you think there's something special about a song pure and raw, spared from major digital manipulation and all? I'd rather that artists stop over-relying on computer techniques and start to really deliver value.

Here's an example of a song that actually tells a story. In a figurative sense, of course (because some songs that tell a story can be utterly shallow all the same).

Anyway, let's go off-topic. I cringe a little every time I hear this song because reminds me of an embarrassing moment I had during a school assembly in fourth grade. The theme then was 80s so the girls were asked to sport hooped earrings, while the boys had to resort to wearing awkward jeans and suspenders. We were divided into groups and since I memorized this song pretty early, I was given the lead role in one song number. That day, I wore a bright red dress from my Granny's closet and long striped socks my Mom bought for me. My classmates and I were all very excited. It was the big day! For the record, I was pretty confident that things would go well, but imagine the horror when, during the number itself, I totally forgot the lines! The back-up singers didn't know what to do either, so I stood there mumbling the lyrics to the parts I actually knew, and left the stage dumbfounded.

I guess you could not say you're prepared enough for a singing event, huh. I'd like to think that I've outgrown this phase already, but I'm not really so sure.

I watched a movie on ABS when I was nine years old or something, and it's about a widower who fell in love with the nanny of his children (This may sound icky, but I watched it, and I tell you, it was not. Or maybe I was just a sucker for romantic movies even at an early age). Ever since, the theme song of the movie stuck with me. Regine (arguably more well-known by her shrill notes than by the depth of feelings expressed in her songs) sang this, but really, this is one of my all-time favorite OPM songs. This song's on repeat every time I feel inspired by a certain someone, or get my heart beaten up by and get all emo.

My all-around favorite love song, you could probably say. Anyway, I should stop writing now. My writing's starting to get all sappy.

And it's already 3 AM, God.